Saturday, May 29, 2010

Has Anyone Seen My Hat?

I know it's around here somewhere...

Have you seen it?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tball: A Chronology

Warm-ups went well.

Playing pitcher was really fun, too.

Then came time for a pep talk from Daddy about batting.

I got really close to the plate with my bat...

But then I decided to flee the scene. Maybe next time...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shiloh's Dedication

For this child we prayed, and the Lord granted the petition that we asked of Him. 1 Samuel 1:27.

Shiloh seemed to enjoy the event, and we enjoyed making the vow to raise her in a God-honoring way.

Levi really enjoyed the reception afterward...particularly the crackers. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun With Sand

Taking family pics at the beach is quite challenging. Here are a couple of shots of our first impromptu session.

There's just so much love, it's hard to contain it sometimes. :)

So, we called it a night and went out for round two the next night, white shirts and all. :)

Levi was a pretty good sport, and was Shiloh. :) Of course, we had to bring a race car to the can't leave home without them.

Levi picked a flower for his sister. We thought that was pretty sweet.

Too bad our vacation is over. No more photos on the sand. At least for a little while. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunset 5.14.10

Fort Walton Beach.

Some of My Favorite Beach Pics (Untouched by Photoshop)

Sometimes the lighting on the beach at dusk is so beautiful that you just don't need to mess with it. Ya know?

Shiloh getting to experience the first touch of the ocean on her feet...

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Summary of our First Day of Vacation...

This is pretty much what we've been doing.

That's about it. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

3.5 and 4

It's hard to believe Levi is three and a half. Three and a half is so much different than just three. It involves a lot more stubborness, attitude and many more spankings than three.

However, there are some fun benefits of 3.5. Levi is a very big hugger and still gives kisses freely to his mommy. I love it when we leave school and he gives his little friends hugs before we go. Conversations are very detailed and often revolve around race cars or cookies. Just today while driving home from school, things got eerily quiet which prompted me to ask Levi why he was being so quiet. "I'm looking for kinkachus and monkeys," he said. I replied that I didn't see any and Levi very matter of factly stated, "me either. They must be hiding."

Levi still enjoys reading books every night. He has started to do a lot more singing in his bed, and sometimes his song choices are hilarious. He can belt out the theme song to "Roary the Racing Car" and even a recognizable rendition of "Sanctuary" by Travis Cottrell (my personal favorite). He also knows how to use the word "actually" in context. Well, most of the time. :)

Our 3.5 year old Levi is very enamored with his little sister, "Baby Shiloh."

Shiloh is growing like a weed. In addition to being cute as a button, she can do a complete 180 in her bed, often setting off the movement sensor in the middle of the night.

She tops out at 15 lbs, 4 oz (90th percentile) and is 75th percentile for height (however that happened). She treasures the thumbs on both hands and loves her minkee dot taggie blanket made for her by her "Aunt Jess." She wants to eat cereal and drink milk every day as soon as we get home. She loves to taunt us by sleeping all night for a few nights in a row, then refusing to do so for another week or ten days at a stretch.
Shiloh is the object of affection of her Daddy and her brother. She is covered with sugar. Can't you see it? :)