Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Did Someone Say...4?

Are you seriously telling me that this guy is FOUR YEARS OLD? Why, yes. Yes, he is. :)

The Hills have been so busy with parties and sickness that I haven't had time to blog about the fact that THIS LITTLE GUY...

(at about two months old--who is incidentally the same guy as this BIGGER little guy)

just turned FOUR! After this party, he asked "mommy, am I a big boy now?" to which I reluctantly replied, "yes...yes you are." And he promptly jumped up and down and cheered. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's Indescribable... much love I have for these little people.

And how blessed I feel...

that they are so happy (though silly).

Each day I marvel at their much they are learning and growing...

and am thankful at the depth of their love. :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Won't Share... grilled cheese sammich wif anyone.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nine Months

I really can't believe this little girl is nine months old already. She's such a busy, happy little person. She has much more of an agenda than Levi did at her age and I fear that she'll be walking all over (or maybe running) before her first birthday... She's already figured out how to roll her brother's bus across the floor. It's a good thing he least sometimes.

We went to visit Nanny and Papaw over the weekend. Nanny's birthday is this week, so we celebrated with candles and cupcakes. Levi found some time to help his Papaw bury a gutter pipe, too.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Soccer Can Be a Slow Game

It just can. I mean, who knew we'd have to sit around and wait for the other team to arrive.

Or wait for our turn to take the field.

Sometimes we have to wait on the other team to line up, find enough players or tie a shoe.

And Sister has to wait, too.

But when we's well worth the wait. :)