Well, it's been two weeks now since Deeper Still in Birmingham. And I have yet to report how awesome it was. I guess I've been processing all that we heard from the speakers since then and it was a LOT to process. Overall, it was just an awesome time of fellowship with some lovely women and an awesome word from Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore.
I'm not sure what's going on with blogger, but my photo uploading is all wonky, so I can't separate my comments to the pics below. The first picture is our ladies group from Pinelake in front of our bus right before the trip home. Below the group photo is a shot of the speakers...the best I could really get given the lighting in the arena and the distance from the stage. :)

This last pic is VERY special and awesome to me, as it represents me meeting Angie Smith, author of the book "I Will Carry You!" For those of you who have no idea who this is, the really REALLY short version of the story is that Angie is married to Todd Smith, lead singer of Selah. Angie and Todd had a daughter, Audrey Caroline, who was born and died on April 7, 2008, one day before Aaron went Home to be with Jesus. Angie has a lovely blog (www.audreycaroline.blogspot.com) wherein she shared her walk through grief after Audrey's death. As I walked along beside Angie in loss, it was encouraging to me to see her dealing with the same issues and struggles as me on a day to day basis. Angie has been able to use her loss in a BIG way, writing the book I mentioned above and speaking at events about her walk through grief and the Lord's plan for Audrey's life and death. It was great to see how God has used her loss to encourage and impact others...I only hope the Lord will use Aaron's short life in a big way, too!