What do we do when we miss you so much?

Tomorrow is such a hard day in our lives. There is so much remembering and longing for you. I would love to have you here to tousle your blond head. To see what you look like as a three year-old boy. To take you to Gigi's for a cupcake, or maybe to your party at Pump It Up. I dream of you sleeping on bunks with your brother and whispering and giggling at bedtime each night. Of hanging three stockings at Christmastime.
I know you're in Heaven and don't miss us at all. There is no sadness or longing there. And I know the pain from your surgeries is a distant memory. It helps to remember that, but my grief is still there.
Just this week while riding to school, Levi blurted out, “Mommy…Aaron can run really fast.” Startled, I turned down the radio and asked, “Who?” “Aaron,” he replied, and kept munching on his pop-tart. Who knows where that came from? Was it from a dream? Was it divinely inspired? Who cares. It was such a wonderful nugget of truth, especially this week.
So, what can we do to ease the grief? We will celebrate with cake and candles. We will visit your grave and take you new flowers and lights. Most importantly, we will speak your name and remember the gift of the short time we had you. We will smile when someone remembers your birthday and speaks your precious name to us. Why? Because our greatest fear is that you will be forgotten. Simply remembering you is such a precious gift that we long for as the years pass. May you never be forgotten, sweet birthday boy…