Remember that book? And the quote: "The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew..."
That happened over the weekend. My best laid plans of taking the kids to a fundraising character breakfast for the American Cancer Society, thinking we could support a great charity and enjoy some fun time with Mickey and Minnie, Donald and Daisy, Buzz and Woody, princesses galore, etc... didn't really work out as planned.
We drove into the parking lot and Levi spied a "giant" Donald Duck. He was worried.
This pic is of him eyeballing some of the princesses who had gathered outside for photo shoots with excited, joyful children. Other people's excited, joyful children.

Not ours.
Shiloh was also unimpressed and distrustful of everyone in dress-up attire. Even the other children!

Needless to say, this was the only picture we got of either of the kids with any of the precious children's characters. I snapped this shot right before Shiloh started screaming and crying.
Levi was under the table about half the time.

So much for best laid plans.