Thursday, March 26, 2009

Some Things Never Change...But Some Things Do!

Levi is growing up fast. Yet, some things seem to stay the same. For example, he still does NOT like getting his haircut. See below:

However, some things are changing. Over the past few weeks, Levi has gravitated into calling himself "me" instead of "Wevi." Now, if I show him a picture of himself on my digital camera and say "who's that," he replies, "dat's ME." It's neat to watch his mind make the gradual realization of proper pronoun usage, even though he still sometimes confuses him, her and it. For example, buses are often "her" and people are "whats." He might point to someone at the grocery store and ask "what's dat" instead of "who's that" or he might see a bus driving away and tell me to "catch her" instead of "it." But I understand what he means.

Some other funny Levi-isms:

Tire truck=fire truck
Chik Nunnet=chicken nuggets

The English language is a confusing thing! But he is mastering it day by day. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Since the weather has been so nice, Levi has enjoyed "playing dirt" (or sand) on our deck in the evenings. He loves to utilize his sand/water table for...well...strictly sand play.

Want to come "play dirt" with us? :)

Cabin Fever

This past weekend I got to go on a retreat to this cabin

with friends from my band at church. It was very fun and relaxing, plus we all got to enjoy learning about each other. There was fishing, turkey hunting (not by me), basketball watching and lots of good food.

I am thankful to be blessed with good friends and family.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Where Yer Pants Go?

Little ones notice the darndest things. I am surprised daily by how much my little sponge Levi soaks up.

This morning, I put on a dress to wear to work. Levi came careening in and said "Mommy...where yer pants go?" He then proceeded to come over and hike up my dress, peering underneath to see if my pants were under there somewhere.

I guess one could surmise that dresses are not a frequent occurence in my house...need to work on that.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The weather is nasty here, but we're still smiling!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's Official

I am completely out of shape. And I have realized it. And I am going to do something about it.

I started out on my mission by going for a long walk with Levi and Riley today. All three of us were beat afterwards.

After a nice bath (accompanied by some balls), Levi hit the sack early. The rest of the Hills won't be far behind!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Levi got to hang out with his buddy Lainey Saturday night. Her favorite color is yellow. I think he knows that, don't you?