However, some things are changing. Over the past few weeks, Levi has gravitated into calling himself "me" instead of "Wevi." Now, if I show him a picture of himself on my digital camera and say "who's that," he replies, "dat's ME." It's neat to watch his mind make the gradual realization of proper pronoun usage, even though he still sometimes confuses him, her and it. For example, buses are often "her" and people are "whats." He might point to someone at the grocery store and ask "what's dat" instead of "who's that" or he might see a bus driving away and tell me to "catch her" instead of "it." But I understand what he means.
Some other funny Levi-isms:
Tire truck=fire truck
Tire truck=fire truck
Chik Nunnet=chicken nuggets
The English language is a confusing thing! But he is mastering it day by day. :)