Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wrinkles...and other interesting commentary

Conversations with Levi are getting a little more intense. Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly fun, but amazingly challenging. I mean, how do you explain to an almost 3 year-old why "pow-pow" (aka pretending to shoot an imaginary gun) isn't cool. Is it possible to explain that policemen are here to help us and "catch bad people" but they sometimes also pull over "good people" (aka speeding daddy) too? How do you convey that not EVERY restaurant serves a waffle or a grilled cheese sandwich?

Part of the problem is that the English language is a tricky thing for little people. Just this morning I walked into the kitchen where Levi and Scott were making waffles. Levi looks at me and announces, "Mommy...your boobs are wet!" I stand there in a stupor for a minute before I realize he means my BRAS (which his daddy had kindly hung in the laundry room when putting the clothes in the drier) were wet. As I was putting him to bed tonight, I leaned over him while we said our prayers. I felt him touch my forehead. When we finished, he asked "mommy, wat's dat?" a very frequent question at our house. I said "what's what?" to which he replied "dose wines..." and pointed at my head again. (Crickets chirping) as I sit wondering what in the world he's asking. Sadly, it hits me. He means the WRINKLES in my forehead.

Can't wait to hear the rest of what's on his little mind. Maybe some of it will be more complimentary in nature. :)


Anonymous said...

Too funny! It's amazing how there little minds never stop!

Amber said...

Is he asking why the love bugs are stuck together? Because that's been asked a few times at my house recently. (It has now occured to me that you all might not have these amazing creatures yet...but we have an abundance! I'll send some your way!)