Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun With Sand

Taking family pics at the beach is quite challenging. Here are a couple of shots of our first impromptu session.

There's just so much love, it's hard to contain it sometimes. :)

So, we called it a night and went out for round two the next night, white shirts and all. :)

Levi was a pretty good sport, and was Shiloh. :) Of course, we had to bring a race car to the can't leave home without them.

Levi picked a flower for his sister. We thought that was pretty sweet.

Too bad our vacation is over. No more photos on the sand. At least for a little while. :)

1 comment:

Kevin, Kara, Kolton, & Kannon said...

Precious pictures on the sand!!! Melts my heart! Levi looks so happy!