Thursday, September 2, 2010

My How Things Change

It's funny sometimes to reflect on how uptight I was during my pregnancy with Levi and after he was born. I was so regimented in my pregnancy...little to no caffeine intake, no sugar-free gum, sleeping only on my left side...I laugh now as I think about how I changed with each child.

After Levi was born, we did everything by the book. Sleep training, cloth-diapering, keeping him at home until after immunizations and by all means, we never gave him solid food or anything other than breast milk until he was 5-6 months old.

Ahem. Let's just say we are a bit more relaxed now.

Last night, since Levi ate tolerably well (read that to mean he ate 1/2 his chicken frank, applesauce, noodles and a slice of cheese) he was rewarded with two double stuf golden oreos, a crowd pleaser at my house.

Well, Shiloh was intrigued. She'd already consumed her baby food/cereal, a mum mum cracker and some juice. She watched me like a hawk as I enjoyed my alloted two oreos (thank you, Levi). So, being a bit more relaxed in my parenting skills than I once was, I decided my little "almost eight month old" could have an oreo. Just the cookie part, not the icing.

First she examined it carefully. I'm sure she was looking for sharp edges, don't you think?

Then she gave it a nibble or two.

Let's just say she was quite a fan of the golden oreo, so much so that I was afraid she would choke on the mushy sliver that remained in her hand after she wolfed it down. I had to trick her and snatch it away, then distract her with the teether toys.

But she was okay with that. See? :)

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