Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten!

It's hard to believe this guy is starting kindergarten.  He was gung-ho and ready to go this morning.  When Scott went to wake him up for his first day, he found him counting to 1000 by tens.  He had been at it a long time.  :)

Shiloh was almost as excited as Levi.  We didn't know quite why until we realized she thought SHE was going to be staying at school with her brother. 

I hope his smile stays this big all day long.  Or all year long!

Seems like a long walk down a long hall for such a little guy...

Levi's teacher is Ms. Maisel.  This morning she showed Levi his cubby and where to put his water bottle outside the classroom.  I had planned to take a photo of him with Ms. Maisel before his first day, but he jetted off to play without even saying goodbye.  :(  But I'm glad he wasn't sad (like Mommy) and was ready to get started on this new journey in life!

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