Thursday, August 30, 2012


Well, I'm a little late blogging about our new little man, but it's been awfully busy around our house and blogger has not been my friend.  This little guy definitely deserves his own timely post, so maybe he'll consider 13 days after his birth "timely."  We won't tell him differently.  :)
We welcomed Judah Jackson Hill into our family on Friday, August 17th.  We are SO thankful to have him here with us. He is happy, healthy and much loved by his siblings. 
All who know us obviously notice we have given our children biblical names.  For us, it's just a neat way to give our offspring names that mean something.  Since we never could agree on any "family" names, we decided the Old Testament would be our starting point.  :)  For those who wondered:
Judah \j(u)-dah\ as a boy's name is pronounced JOO-dah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Judah is "praised". Biblical: Judah was the fourth of Jacob's 12 sons.
We certainly are full of praise to have Judah here with us every day!
Since blogger has not been friendly about letting me upload photos, two will have to suffice for now.  Here is a photo of us in our going home outfit (Thanks, Ms. Amanda!)...

...and here is a picture of the whole crew right before our release from the hospital!  Thanks to everyone for your prayers and love for our family!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Bus Ride...a Perfect End to a Great Day at School!

Yep, I sat on the front steps for 20 minutes...sweating in my pregnant splendor, listening for bus brakes and peering across the golf course for the big yellow bird carrying my first born.

I had to shed a tear or two when I finally saw it coming.

And another five or six when I saw this big smiling face running towards me...

It was a great end to the first day of school!

First Day of Kindergarten!

It's hard to believe this guy is starting kindergarten.  He was gung-ho and ready to go this morning.  When Scott went to wake him up for his first day, he found him counting to 1000 by tens.  He had been at it a long time.  :)

Shiloh was almost as excited as Levi.  We didn't know quite why until we realized she thought SHE was going to be staying at school with her brother. 

I hope his smile stays this big all day long.  Or all year long!

Seems like a long walk down a long hall for such a little guy...

Levi's teacher is Ms. Maisel.  This morning she showed Levi his cubby and where to put his water bottle outside the classroom.  I had planned to take a photo of him with Ms. Maisel before his first day, but he jetted off to play without even saying goodbye.  :(  But I'm glad he wasn't sad (like Mommy) and was ready to get started on this new journey in life!