Friday, February 26, 2010

7 Weeks Update

Well...I had intended to do some monthly updates on Shiloh, but the first month slipped away while I was sleep deprived and hormonally crazed. Now that I have emerged from this fog (thank you, Lord), here is some recent news on Shiloh who turned 7 weeks old this past Tuesday.

Up from her birth weight of 7 lbs, Shiloh weighed 11 lbs 15 oz on Tuesday. No more 0-3 month clothes for this chunky girl! Look at the chins on her...

She loves to eat and lie in her boppy pillow. She also seems to really enjoy bath time.

She has wrist and arm wrinkles visible in this bathtime shot, but we couldn't show the leg rolls b/c this is a G rated blog... Trust me when I assure you that she does not miss a meal.

As you can see above, Levi is still enamored with his little sister. I really think he is an awesome big brother and that his love for Shiloh is amazing. I look forward to the years ahead with my family!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Levi and I drew pictures of ourselves a couple of weeks ago in his Barney chalk book. (He LOVES his Barney chalk book). The picture on the right is me. I drew it myself. Then Levi drew a picture of himself. I thought he did great. :) He gave me a play by play the whole time he drew..."now I need some I need a moufff...dese are my wegs...and here are my feet!" So sweet is this first born of mine...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Aaron...

I sure do miss this little guy...

...and I love to remember the day he was born. There was celebration in Pennsylvania, Mississippi and even the Ronald McDonald House in NJ where we stayed for so long.

I am sometimes sad when I miss him. But I am sad for me, not for him. Because I know where he is. And because I believe the Truth of what the Bible says about Heaven, I know that he is perfect, healthy and whole and DOES NOT MISS ME, nor does he know a bit of pain. Lord knows he knew pain here, so I am thankful for the perfection and bliss he knows now.

Thank you, Lord, for my sweet son, Aaron.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In Celebration of Her 6 Week Birthday Today...

...this little girl slept 6 hours straight! Yippee!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some of My Favorite Snow Day Pics

Running from my mom...
Cleaning off the tee box...
Losing my balance!

Feeling proud of myself...

Feeling COLD!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Four Week Memories

Shiloh is 4 weeks old today. She's really starting to develop her own personality and...well...I wish I could say "sleep longer at night" but that isn't true. :) However, I'm sure that as the weeks and months pass, I will look back on these days and miss our late night feedings, our walks to jiggle away gassy demons, our cuddles in mommy and daddy's bed to eek out a few more minutes of sleep...all those things.

These days make me think about the last time I held a four week old baby of mine. It's been almost two years since we handed off our sweet four week old Aaron to the nicest South African anesthesiologist I've ever met. His name escapes me right now, but we were so blessed by his kindness during every encounter, and sometimes I smile when I remember him.

I never thought I would hand off my month old child--the child I had barely gotten to know outside the womb--and only hold him again on the day we let him go some three weeks later. There were so many things we didn't do, diapers left unchanged, sleepless nights unlived, memories unmade. For this reason, I remind myself every day to relish each moment of fatigue, every spit up, feedings every two hours...and all the rest. Because I know I will look back and miss these days. Hopefully it won't be because I have handed another child off to heaven, but b/c Shiloh and Levi will be "too cool" to cuddle in bed, ride to school with mom, or sit with me at the movies... I'm sure the list goes on and on. :) So for now I will hug these two blessings I have here and be thankful for every moment.

On a related note, everyone comments on how much our children look alike. Pretty much JUST LIKE their daddy. :) So, in honor of Shiloh's four week birthday, I pulled some pictures out that demonstrate just how much our kids do look alike!

This is a photo of Aaron about about three weeks old.

And this is Levi at about seven weeks old. Crazy, huh?

Here is Aaron at about a week old.

And this is Shiloh at about ten days old.

So, after my analysis of the many accusations that the apples do not fall far from the tree, I must admit it's true. These babes do look alike!