Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Let's face it. Everybody has a set. Yours may be different than those of your neighbor. He may like fast cars and big TVs while you like driving a paid-for car and watching free TV on hulu. You may mow your grass once a week, meticulously weed-eating and edging to make your yard look nice while your neighbor barely manages to chug down the grass with his tired pushmower twice a month. What makes your priorities "right?" I firmly believe that our priorities in life reflect the God we serve.

Right now, we are working to raise money for the March of Dimes by taking part in March for Babies. This event is a priority for us at this time, since it's important to us to honor the memory of our son, Aaron. However, it would be wrong for us to assume everyone's priority should be to donate to Team Aaron's Heart. Right now in our world, there is devastation in Japan. There are orphans awaiting homes all over our nation and in other countries. There are homeless men, women and children needing a place to sleep and food to eat in our very city. Does your God call you to make others in need a priority? If so, please give of your time, talents and resources to those in need today. Making the needs of others a priority honors and pleases our God.

And if you'd still like to join us in March for Babies on April 30th, we'd love to have you. No donation required. :)

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