Monday, November 7, 2011

The Dynamic Duo

My little people love each other. A lot. I really am thankful that 95% of the time, they adore each other. Being with each other, playing with each other, showing each other the food inside their mouths. Those kinds of things.

I'm also glad they both love the new park. And love to slide together. That makes zone coverage at the new park a possibility. :) Especially when mommy is flying solo at said park.

The bumpy slide is a favorite. :) Can you tell? They like the way their booties jump up and down as they navigate the bumps...I hope they choose to stick together on life's bumpy roads as well. It's always good to have a friend by your side when that happens. :)

1 comment:

Dana {Sew Thrifty} said...

squish! man, they look so much alike. so CUTE!!