Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where I Unabashedly Beg for Walkers and Offer BRIBERY

Okay, March for Babies happens in 72 days! And Team Aaron's Heart only has 3 registered walkers! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...from now until March 1st, I am offering every person who registers to walk on our team AND buys an Aaron's Heart tshirt a free $10 *Bop's gift certificate!

Please only register if you really plan to walk. :)

Let the registration and fundraising begin!


*to be used only at Bop's in Flowood.


Anonymous said...

Dang, did you talk to the boss at Bop's about this? ;)

Dana {Sew Thrifty} said...

um......where's my Bop's gc??? heh
should have waited to sign up...