Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Did You Know?

...that in an average week in Mississippi, 864 babies are born? Of that number, 138 are born to teen mothers, 156 are born prematurely and 102 are considered "low birth weight." 9 of the babies born in an average week do not make it to their first birthday.

The map below demonstrates that Mississippi is last in the nation in regard to so many of these issues. Sadly, the efforts of the March of Dimes in fundraising in Mississippi don't even allow them to keep their doors open in our state. Instead, the national organization pumps funding into our state to help FIGHT these horrible statistics!

Could you help in supporting the efforts of the March of Dimes in our state? Please consider a donation to Team Aaron's Heart or the March of Dimes this year to help babies get a healthy start!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where I Unabashedly Beg for Walkers and Offer BRIBERY

Okay, March for Babies happens in 72 days! And Team Aaron's Heart only has 3 registered walkers! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...from now until March 1st, I am offering every person who registers to walk on our team AND buys an Aaron's Heart tshirt a free $10 *Bop's gift certificate!

Please only register if you really plan to walk. :)

Let the registration and fundraising begin!


*to be used only at Bop's in Flowood.

Please Tell Me You Sent Angels...

Sometimes I'm not a spiritually sound person. I like to think I am. But I'm not. There, I said it. It almost feels better, but not really.

There's been a ton of heaviness in my heart over the past several days. It's almost too difficult to put into words. Every time I hear of a horrible tragedy in the world, I secretly ask God, "what is the POINT in all this?" Why did Susan Smith send her van into a lake with her young children strapped inside? Why did crazy Josh Powell bludgeon his young sons and torch his home? Why did you LET that happen? Why do seemingly innocent children and babies have to suffer pain, illness or abuse at the hands of those who supposedly "love" them? What were these poor children thinking as they suffered catatrophically at the hands of those in charge of them? You could've stopped it, God. So, why didn't you?

I don't have any answers. I trust that one day I will understand the reason for pain and suffering. Why it all relates to the fall of man. But until then, I pray fervently for comfort for these little ones. Please tell me you sent angels, God, to hold Charles and Braden before their father killed them. Please tell me you send them every time. Please tell me they have no memory of that pain and suffering in Heaven. Until then, I'll await the answers to the hard questions when I meet You face to face.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Team Aaron's Heart 2012!

Hello everyone! I'm very excited to say that our Team Aaron's Heart shirts are ready for order for 2012! March for Babies will take place on Saturday, April 28, 2012, at our state capitol.

This year Melessa at Oneway Promo came up with a new design for our shirts and we LOVE it. The back of the shirts will look like this.

The front pocket design will stay the same as our "official" Team Aaron's Heart logo. :)

This year, we're asking for an $18.00 donation for each shirt. We will have adult and youth sizes available and I will be glad to mail shirts to you for an additional $5. EVERY BIT of the proceeds from the sales of the shirts will go to the March of Dimes. We will take orders by paypal (see the "buy now" button at the top, right hand corner of my blog) or by check. If you'd like to mail me a check for your shirt order, shoot me an email at faith.hill.ms@gmail.com and I'll send you my address.

Also, please remember these shirts are A PRE-ORDER. That means I will not have them available for you until I've closed orders and submitted our one big order to the printer. I'll keep everyone posted on that date as the orders come in.

Also, if you would like to sign up to walk with our team on April 28th, we would be honored to have you walk with us in memory of Aaron! Our team page is www.marchforbabies.org/aaronsheart. Feel free to sign up and help the March of Dimes give babies a healthy start!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hill Family News

Just in case you hadn't heard...

...we are adding to our family!