Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Rare Appearance and Shoes

Daddy is seldom seen on our blog and at our house these days since it's tax crunch time. We made a pit stop last week after work and Levi enjoyed a donut snack on the floor with daddy. I was able to snag this pic with my phone. Sweet times. :)

Levi is quite the character and I am amazed daily at things he is learning and how his mind works. Yesterday, we were able to play a bit outside before dinner. The weather was nice, so Shiloh and I sat in the driveway while Levi played on his Diego 3-wheeler. Out of the blue, Levi noticed I was barefoot. "Mommy," he said, "you not have any shoes on." I replied, "well, there weren't any in the garage, so I just came out here without shoes." He got off his 3-wheeler and said, "I will buy you some shoes, mommy," and headed for the garage. "You would buy mommy shoes with your money?" I asked. "Yep," he said. He returned with my Ole Miss crocs and said, "here...I help you put them on...push your foot in." He is such a sweet, helpful boy. He will frantically run to help Shiloh if she loses her pacifier. I hope he always has a helpful spirit. :)

1 comment:

Kevin, Kara, Kolton, & Kannon said...

Precious boy!
Where are pictures of Shiloh??!!